How does it work?

Getting out from in front of your computer to some sweet A.T. that you just built is simple.

The S.W.E.A.T. Crew season works for a week at a time, camping and working on the trail in the summer (see 2010 dates on the right), a great oppurtunity for college students!

The S.W.E.A.T. Club is for folks who have an interest in year-round stewardship. Plan a trip on your schedule with your freinds and new faces.

Drop an e-mail to Andrew at and let him know you are interested.

Together, we'll determine how you want to help and start you on the right path. You could personally adopt a section of the Appalachian Trail or sign up for a SWEAT Crew session and live the job for a week.

S.W.E.A.T. Crew in Action!

Check out more photos of the SWEAT crew here.